I’m With You Treatment

The CAMERA tracks behind a woman (our Hero) walking toward a building. We follow her through the doorway and into a large empty warehouse. There is a mid-sized crowd scattered through the area. It’s a party or an art gallery or some kind of fundraising event. Doesn’t matter. There’s people and it worries Our Hero a bit. A friend greets her while CAMERA stays behind with her in the center.

“Do you know what it’s like?”

CLOSE-UP on our Hero as she tries to find her way through the crowd. She is nervous.

Verse 1 Starts.

The CAMERA stays fixed on Our Hero as she moves through the room, trying to find a place to situate herself. But she looks uneasy. 

Kick Drum at “Wait I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay….”

Suddenly, a LIGHT in the corner of the room goes out. The room seems a bit smaller than before. This worries Our Hero but she’s trying to reassure herself she’s alright.

Kick Drum and Crash at “Chest pains they exceed me…”

Another LIGHT goes out. Room compresses further. Our Hero is losing her mental footing. Now she is breathing harder. Her friend comes over, checks up on her, Our Hero is not okay. Brushes past her looking for a wall or a chair to rest on. Now other party members are looking at her funny. They’re thinking: “Wow someone’s drunk already.”

First Climax “Looking around tryna catch my breath”

Our Hero is racing around the room. More LIGHTS are going off. The room is becoming even smaller and more unsettling, more unfamiliar, more unknown. She feels around in a dark area and hits a wall that startles her. She’s gasping for air. We MOVE with her as some onlookers catch a shard of sparse light and they stare at Our Hero, wondering if she is okay. They don’t seem to be fazed at all by the disappearing lights, the growing darkness. Our Hero races and races. Tries to catch a breath but can’t. Tries to calm down but can’t. Feels the walls closing in. Keeps bumping into things, into people. Finally she kneels down, holds her head in her hands.

2nd chorus: “Do you know what it’s like?”

All the house lights are off now. The only lights now are provided by candles lit all around the room. Hundreds of them. Our Hero looks around, sees the candles. What should be tranquil and relaxing is now the only lifeline that is keeping her from losing her damn mind.

Piano notes at 1:38

Candles start to blow out in time to the piano notes.

“Maybe some pills will help me…”

Our Hero pulls out a bottle of pills, opens the cap, but just as she’s about to pour out a pill, a random person walks past her, KNOCKS into her, and spills the bottle and pills all over the floor. She searches the dark floor with her hands to pick them up but they’re all gone. Our Hero reaches into her purse and finds a book of matches. Seeing the candles being blown out one by one, she walks up to a blown out candle, the smoke still curling from the wick. She strikes a match and lights it. Then in the corner of her eye, she sees another candle blown out. She walks over to it, strikes a match, lights it. Then, two candles are blown out. She has to choose one. More and more frantic. More and more candles being blown out. Less and less matches to strike.

2nd Climax “Imagine living your life in fear”

Our Hero sprinting at top speed around the room trying to light candles. Quick shots of matches being struck and tossed on the ground. Her burning her fingers. Frantically trying to keep the light burning. Cannot keep up with the lights flickering out. One candle left. She RUNS to it.

“Close my eyes the panic will stop…”

Our Hero clutches onto her last candle.

3rd chorus: “Do you know what it’s like to live like this…”

Our Hero is seemingly alone now in a tiny space, which was once a cavernous room full of people. She cautiously, slowly walks around with the candle to see if anyone is there. She can’t see 2 feet in front of her, it’s so dark. All she can do is hold onto this candle. Which is quickly melting. With no other option, with no way out, in one hand she holds onto the candle and in the other, she clutches onto the Cross on her necklace. She prays to herself. She doesn’t want to accept her fate but she knows she has no other choice. She closes her eyes.

“And if you do, then I’m with you…”

Our Hero blows out the candle to embrace the darkness.

“Everyone’s got a story to tell…”

A faint blue light shines on Our Hero. The source is unknown. Our Hero remains kneeling with her eyes closed. Still clutching onto the Cross. She slowly opens her eyes. As the music builds, so do more colored lights. Up until now, all the lights were white or yellow. Now, they are fluorescent colors. Blue, red, green, purple. Our Hero slowly rises to her feet.

3rd and Final Climax “Panic attacks are real…”

FULL BLOWN EXPLOSION LIGHT SHOW (kind of like this: https://youtu.be/okthJIVbi6g?t=2m3s). All sorts of different colored lights and strobes are flashing as the CAMERA spins 360 degrees around Our Hero. She embraces this new light. It speaks to her. It fills her. 

4th and Final Chorus “Do you know what it’s like”

The lone blue light shines on Our Hero. She is reborn, unafraid now, fully embracing the fact that there will always be darkness around her. The CAMERA is behind her and we slowly track forward. We inch closer and closer to her.

“And if you do…. then I’m with you”

The CAMERA then slowly swings around Our Hero and we end with a Close-Up backlit shot of Our Hero’s face, smiling and looking ahead into the distance.