photo by Walter Rivera

photo by Walter Rivera

Ahnmin was born in Suwon, Korea, grew up in Staten Island, and lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two boys. In 2020, he graduated from Brooklyn College’s Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema with an MFA in Directing and in 2022, was accepted into the Gotham Marcie Bloom Fellowship under the leadership of Dylan Leiner, Senior VP at Sony Pictures Classics.

He is a filmmaker, musician, and writer whose passion is to take intimate personal stories and portray them within the technical constraints of genre. Though he had a troubled childhood, art and faith helped him to find healing and wholeness. His hope is that through sharing experiences of sifting through his brokenness to find beauty, others can do the same.

He is currently developing his feature film Youth Retreat which captures the collision of faith and hormones during a pivotal summer camp held by a Korean American church’s youth group.

Instagram: @ahntothemin
Twitter: @ahnmin